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2023 ~ 2021 YEAR


160. So-Jung Gwak, Yu Bin Lee, Eun Joo Lee, Kyoung Hwan Park, Sun-Woong Kang, and Kang Moo Huh, "The use of acetylation to improve the performance of hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler", Korean J. Chem. Eng., 40(8), 1963-1969 (2023).

159. Min-Soo Ghim, Eun-Yong Choi, Young Yul Kim, and Young-Sam Cho, "Quantitative Analysis of Bone Regeneration Efficacy as Shape Conformity of Scaffold: Evidence for Importance of Additive-Manufacturing Precision in Tissue Engineering", Materials & Design, 231, 112073 (2023).

158. J.-K. Ku, M.-S. Ghim, J.H. Park, and D.H. Leem, "A ramus cortical bone harvesting technique without bone marrow invasion", J. Korean Assoc Oral Maxiilofac Surg, 49(2), 100-104 (2023).

157. Yong Sang Cho, Min-Soo Ghim, Myoung Wha Hong, Young Yul Kim, and Young-Sam Cho, "Strategy to improve endogenous bone regeneration of 3D-printed PCL/nano-HA composite scaffold: Collagen designs with BMP-2 and FGF-2", Materials & Design, 229, 111913 (2023).

156. Se-Hwan Lee, Kang-Gon Lee, Jaeyeon Lee, Yong Sang Cho, Min-Soo Ghim, Soojin Kim, Su-Jin Heo, Yongdoo Park, Young-Sam Cho, and Bu-Kyu Lee, "Three Dimensional Kagome Structures in a PCL/HA-based Hydrogel Scaffold To Lead Slow BMP-2 Release for Effective Bone Regeneration", Bio-Design and Manufacturing, 6, 12-25 (2023).

155. Min-Soo Ghim, Hyung-Woo Kim, and Young-Sam Cho, "Enhancement Fidelity of Kagome Scaffold for Bone Regeneration by Design for Additive Manufacturing", Materials & Design, 225, 111608 (2023).


154. Hee-Kyeong Kim, Se-Jin Jang, Young-Sam Cho, Hyun-Ha Park, "Fabrication of nanostructured polycaprolactone (PCL) film using a thermal imprinting technique and assessment of antibacterial function for its application", Polymers, 14(24), 5527 (2022).

153. Yoon Jae Lee, Yeon Hee Ryu, Su Jin Lee, Suk-Ho Moon, Ki Joo Kim, Byeong Ju Jin, Kyoung-Don Lee, Jung Kyu Park, Jin Woo Lee, Seung-Jae Lee, Hun-Jin Jeong, Jong Won Rhie, "Bone Regeneration with 3D-Printed Hybrid Bone Scaffolds in a Canine Radial Bone Defect Model", Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 19(6), 1337-1347 (2022).

152. S.-H. Lee, M. Kang, H. Jang, S. Kondaveeti, K. Sun, S. Kim, H.-H. Park, H. E. Jeong, "Bifunctional Amphiphilic Nanospikes with Antifogging and Antibiofouling Properties", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 14, 39478-39488 (2022).

151. H.-H. Park, "Fabrication and Assessment of Flexible Nanostructured Film for Antibacterial Properties", Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers, 21, 105-109 (2022).

150. H.-K. Kim, Y.-S. Cho, H.-H. Park, "PEGDMA-based pillar-shape nanostructured antibacterial film having mechanical robustness", ACS Applied Bio Materials, 5, 3006-3012 (2022).

149.  R. Lopez Reyes, M.-S. Ghim, N.-U. Kang, J.-W. Park,  S.-J. Gwak, Y.-S. Cho, "Development and assessment of modified-honeycomb-structure scaffold for bone tissue engineering", Additive Manufacturing, 54, 102740 (2022).

148. Y.-Y. Chang, S. Lee, H.-J. JeongY.-S. Cho, S.-J. Lee, J.-H. Yun, "In vivo evaluation of 3D printed polycaprolactone composite scaffold and recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 for vertical bone augmentation with simultaneous implant placement on rabbit calvaria", Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials, 110(5), 1103-1112 (2022).


147. Y. S. Cho, S. Y. Yang, E. C. Choi, K. H. Kim, S.-J Gwak, "Fabrication of a porous hydroxyapatite scaffold with enhanced human osteoblast-like cell response via digital light processing system and biomimetic mineralization", Ceramics International, 15, 35134-35143 (2021).

146. G. Yang, M. Yeo, E. Choi, D. Kang, M. Kim, Y. Nam, S.-J. Gwak, H. H. Yoo, M.-J. Park, B. Jung, W. Jeong, H. Jeon, "Investigating the physical characteristics and cellular interplay on 3D-printed scaffolds depending on the incorporated silica size for hard tissue regeneration"Materials & Design,  207, 109866 (2021).

145. G. Choi, H. Ko, H. Jang, I. Hwang, M. Seong, K. Sun, H.-H. Park, T.-E. Park, J. Kim and H. E. Jeong, "Biofouling-resistant tubular fluidic device with magneto-responsive dynamic walls”, Soft Matter, 17, 1715-1723 (2021).

144. K.-K. Jeong, K.-G. Lee, M.-S. Ghim, Y.-K. Kim, S.-H. Park, Y. D. Park, Y.-S. Cho, B.-K. Lee, "Onlay-graft of 3D printed Kagome-structure PCL scaffold incorporated with rhBMP-2 based on hyaluronic acid hydrogel", Biomedical Materials, 16(5), 055004 (2021).

143. H.-J. Jeong, Y. Yun, S.-J. Lee, Y. Ha, S.-J. Gwak, “Biomaterials and strategies for repairing spinal cord lesions”, Neurochemistry International, 114, 104973 (2021).

142. H.-J. Jeong, S.-W. Lee, M. W. Hong, Y. Y. Kim, K. D. Seo, Y.-S. Cho, and S.-J. Lee, “Total Meniscus Reconstruction Using a Polymeric Hybrid-Scaffold: Combined with 3D-Printed Biomimetic Framework and Micro-Particle”, Polymers, 13 (12), article number 1910 (2021).

141. Y. S. Cho, S.-J. Gwak, and Y.-S. Cho, “Fabrication of Polycaprolactone/Nano Hydroxyapatite (PCL/nHA) 3D Scaffold with Enhanced In Vitro Cell Response via Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM)”, Polymers, 13 (9), 1394 (2021).

140. E. Choi, S. Bae, D. Kim, G. H. Yang, K. Lee, H.-J.inYou, H. J. Kang, S.-J. Gwak, S. An, Hojun Jeon, "Characterization and intracellular mechanism of electrospun poly (ε-caprolactone) (PCL) fibers incorporated with bone-dECM powder as a potential membrane for guided bone regeneration"Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 94, 282-291 (2021).

139. S. Eom, S. M. Park, D. G. Hwang, H. W. Kim, J. Jang, D. S. Kim, "Fabrication of an align-random distinct, heterogeneous nanofiber mat endowed with bifunctional properties for engineered 3D cardiac anisotropy"Composites Part B: Engineering, 226, 109336 (2021).

​Mechabio Group

Office : 460, Iksan-daero, Iksan-si, Jeollabuk-do, Republic of Korea

Students' office : College of engineering, 5th Floor 5363 PBL

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